
2021年9月20日—AnalyticstrackingcodesendapageviewhittoGoogleAnalyticswheneverauserloadsawebpagewithembeddedtrackingcode.,WhendoestheGoogleAnalyticstrackingcodesendapageviewhittoAnalytics?Everytimeauserloadsawebpage.,Answer:Everytimeauserloadsawebpagewithembeddedtrackingcode;Everytimeauseraddsanitemtoanonlineshoppingcart;Everytimeauserclicksa ...,Everytimeauseractswitheventtrackingimplemented,an...

Analytics tracking code send a pageview hit to Google ...

2021年9月20日 — Analytics tracking code send a pageview hit to Google Analytics whenever a user loads a webpage with embedded tracking code.

Assessment 1 Flashcards

When does the Google Analytics tracking code send a pageview hit to Analytics? Every time a user loads a webpage.

When does the Analytics tracking code send a pageview ...

Answer: Every time a user loads a webpage with embedded tracking code; Every time a user adds an item to an online shopping cart; Every time a user clicks a ...

When Does the Tracking Code Send an Event Hit to ...

Every time a user acts with event tracking implemented, an event hits Google Analytics. A tracking code is a small script that is embedded in the HTML ...

When does the tracking code send an event hit to Google ...

Explanation: Analytics tracking code send an event hit to Google Analytics whenever a user performs an action with event tracking implemented.

[GA4] About events

Analytics ignores events that arrive more than 72 hours after the events were triggered. Google Analytics 4 has a 16 KB size limit on event data each time data ...